Guidance for COVID-19 prevention and control in schools

The new coronary pneumonia epidemic has been declared a public health emergency. International customs (PHEIC) and viruses have spread to many countries and regions. Although many of the viruses that cause COVID-19 are still unknown, do we know that it is spread directly? Individuals who come into contact with respiratory droplets of infected persons (caused by coughing and sneezing) can also infect their faces (eg, eyes, nose, mouth) by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their skin. While COVID-19 continues to spread, it is important for the community to take action. Take action to prevent further spread, reduce the impact of the epidemic and support control measures.

The protection of children and educational facilities is particularly important. Precautions are to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in schools; however, care must also be taken to avoid stigmatizing students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus. It is important to remember this, COVID-19 does not know national boundaries, race, disability, age or gender. The educational environment should continue to be an environment that welcomes, respects, embraces and supports all people. The measures taken by the school can prevent students and staff from entering and spreading COVID-19 has been exposed to the virus, while minimizing interference and protecting students and staff from infection and discrimination.


Today, children and young people are global citizens, powerful agents of change and the next generation of caregivers, scientists and doctors. Any crisis provides opportunities to help them learn and cultivate while building a safer and more caring community, while increasing compassion and resilience. Information and facts about COVID-19 will help reduce students ’fear and anxiety about the disease and support their ability to cope with any secondary impacts in life.

This guide provides key Communicate messages and precautions with school administrators, teachers and staff, parents, caregivers and community members, as well as children themselves in schools that promote safety and health.

The purpose of this document is to provide clear and actionable guidance for safe operation on prevention and early detection and control of COVID-19 in schools and other educational institutions. Although the guidelines only apply to countries that have confirmed the spread of COVID-19, they still apply to all other situations. Education can encourage students to become advocates of disease prevention and control at home, at school, in their communities, by talking to others about how to prevent the spread of the virus. Maintaining the safe operation of the school or reopening after the school is closed requires a lot of consideration, but if done well, it can promote public health.

Basic principles

Following basic principles can help keep students, teachers, and staff safe at school and help stop the spread of this disease. Recommendations for healthy schools are:

  • Sick students, teachers and other staff should not come to school
  • Schools should enforce regular hand washing with safe water and soap, alcohol rub/hand sanitizer or chlorine solution and, at a minimum, daily disinfection and cleaning of school surfaces
  • Schools should provide water, sanitation and waste management facilities and follow environmental cleaning and decontamination procedures
  • Schools should promote social distancing (a term applied to certain actions that are taken to slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease, including limiting large groups of people coming together)

To stay healthy, teachers and administrators should:

Ask sick students and staff to stay home (and to seek medical attention when necesssary).

Keep a supply of alcohol-based hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes.

Teach good hand washing practices.

Clean and disinfect classroom materials and surfaces.

Provide reminders in daily announcements about preventing the spread of germs and illnesses.

Adopt healthy practices, such as safe handling of food and the use of standard precautions when handling body fluids and excretions.

Encourage students and staff to get an annual flu shot.

To stay healthy, parents should:

  • Keep your children home, if they are sick.
  • Send your child in with tissues and wipes for the classroom.
  • Teach your children to wash their hands.

Protect children and family health, 10 issues about children's epidemic prevention

Children are the most susceptible groups in this outbreak, so what should we do to prevent children from getting infected?

Are children susceptible groups?

The state health commission specified that children were susceptible to pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus. There are no cases of severe illness or death in the children, and symptoms are mild after infection.

What are the pathways of infection in children?

Mainly is the respiratory tract transmission, such as the patient coughs, speaks loudly, sneezes when the droplet transmission, or by close contact, as by contaminated hands touching the snout or conjunctiva.

Is breastfeeding still safe?

Breastfeeding mother to do a good job of personal protection, breastfeeding wear a mask, wash hands, maintain nipple hygiene. If the mother is a confirmed or suspected case, breastfeeding should be suspended and isolated from the baby.

Can you still give children chicken, duck and fish?

You can eat it, but make sure it’s cooked. In addition, do not try or chew food with your mouth after feeding the child, do not blow with your mouth to cool the food.

Does the child’s room need ventilation?

The room should be kept clean and ventilated regularly every day. When it is ventilated, move the child to another room so as not to catch cold.

How to protect when taking children out?

Go out less, is the best protection. If you must go out, wear a mask and drive as much as possible, using less public transport. If it’s a short walk, walking is the best option.

How to wear the child’s mask?

Generally speaking, very young infants and children should not wear masks. N95 mask has the worst ventilation and is not suitable for children. When the child wears a mask, parents should always pay attention to whether the child has breathing difficulties and other uncomfortable conditions.

How to wash children’s hands?

Whenever possible, running water and soap are preferred. When going out is not convenient to wash hands with running water, always carry paper towels and alcohol-based hand lotion.

What’s going on with your child?

If children have symptoms such as cough and fever, but you are sure that children have not been out and have not been exposed to infected patients, you can first monitor children’s body temperature and treat it at home. If the temperature does not drop continuously, or if the cough worsens, dyspnea occurs, and the mental state is not good, it is recommended to go to the nearest hospital that has a pediatric clinic.

Can the child still get vaccine in the near future?

Different vaccinations are given at different times, and some vaccines are given a few weeks later. However, for vaccines with strict age and age limits, it is recommended to complete the vaccination before a certain time point. In case of exposure to rabies or tetanus, vaccination is recommended as soon as possible.